Design patterns: Circuit Breaker

Today I want to introduce a CircuitBreaker – one of the reactive design patterns, especially usefull in areas such as web services interop. To get you better understand on it’s concepts, lets consider following scenario: > You’ve built a…

Akka.NET remote deployment with F#

Today I want to present how Akka.NET can be used to leverage distributed computing and discuss some of the changes in the latest F# package (Akka.FSharp 0.7.1). If you are not interested in explanation of how…

Actor supervisors in Akka.NET FSharp API

This post will describe changes, that will affect a F# API for Akka.NET in the incoming versions of the framework (>= 0.62) – mostly those, which concerns supervisioning and manipulating actor hierarchies. I don’t want to overload this…

Simple Virtual Machine

In this post I want to present, how to create a simple virtual machine with it’s own bytecode interpreter. While it’s created using C language, it doesn’t use any complex constructs and could be possibly implemented the…

Map reduce with FSharp and

In my previous post, I’ve shown how to create a simple hello world application using system leveraged with a F# API. Today, I’ll show a slightly more complex example. We’ll create a simple Map-Reduce system…

FSharp and - the functional way

Actor model is one of the most influential paradigms of dealing with highly concurrent environments in present world. Simplifying, it’s based on concept of autonomous thread-safe computation units – surprisingly called actors – with no way to directly interfere with each…