Optimizing event journals

In this post I want to talk a little about some little optimization techniques, we've applied to some of the journals used in Akka.NET - those working with SQL backends. Before you read further - this post is written with assumption, that you're familiar with basics of eventsourcing architectures and a shape of them in Akka.NET. If you're not, you can read more about it here.

Old ways

The existing approach was quite simple and naive. Once a persistent actor had something to do with a persistent backend, it was sending a request to an EventJournal actor. In case of SQL, journal was creating a new DbConnection each time in order to execute every single request. This was not supposed to be something as bad as it sounds - ADO.NET handles connection pooling automatically.

However, reality resulted in some problems:

First one, a frequent creation and reopening of connection/command/transaction chain turned out to be not as cheap as we may wanted it to.

But more important, once the pressure kicks in, things starts to get nasty. Imagine tens of thousands of actors trying to persist their events at once. Eventually we'll saturate all of the connections from the pool - potentially even starving other parts of the application if our actor system is embedded into some bigger application (see: noisy neighbor problem). If this situation will continue, after some more time, timeouts will start to kick in, causing persist requests to throw and bubbling up errors to higher layers of application. The definitions of slow, unresponsive and dead database requests gets blurry at this point.

Is there anything we can do about it?

A new approach

Because nowadays, in order to present any new technique, we must give it some cheezy name, I've decided to describe this one as horizontal batching.

Initially we create a buffer for incoming requests and a a counter for a free connections remaining to be used.

In a happy case, when we are able to persist incoming events as they come, this new batching journal implementation works very similar to the old one, decrementing a connection counter. Once a connection gets released, we increment the counter back.

However when requests start to pile in, we may run out of free connections (counter go down to 0). In this case we start buffering them. Now, when a connection is released and can be reused, we take a page of requests from buffer and execute them within a single connection/command. There are few things we can configure here:

  • One is a maximum number of allowed operations to be executed concurrently (initial counter value). This way we may decide to give only a subset of our connection pool under supervision of the event journal.
  • Another one is maximum size of a single batch. As buffered requests can potentially grow big, we might decide to use only subset of them to be executed within a single connection.
  • The last important thing here is actually a maximum amount of stacked messages. In case when requests will come faster than they can be processed (even in batches), we could eventually run out of memory to even store them. With this setting, once a specified threshold is surpassed, an OnBufferOverflow method will be called. By default it will reject a request. However it can also be overridden to apply custom backpressure strategy.

How fast does it work? So far we managed to process over 12 000 command→events per second (we're talking about full eventsourced actor protocol roundtrips here) using both application and SQL Server database on default settings on a standard dev laptop (8 logical cores, 16GB RAM).

There are some more improvements still waiting on their turn. While new journal implementation is still experimental and needs some more use, it has been designed to work as drop-in replacement over existing one. That means it soon should came as a standard to existing SQL implementations.